Capture What Counts Photography

Archive for April, 2012

#17/52 – Excitement

For those of you who are new to my blog, Hanson Lewis Graham was born February 16, 2012, and is the son of one of my best friends.  He was diagnosed in utero with a congenital heart defect called Transposition of the Great Arteries, which required him to have open heart surgery when he was just 7 days old.  It’s a long road for both he and his parents, but they are all doing extremely well.  Hanson is still on a small dose of Methadone (used to help him overcome the Morphine addiction he developed due to his surgery) so prayers are still so much appreciated for him.

Macy and I spent the weekend with Hanson and his Mommy, and our excitement level was beyond measure!  He is growing like crazy (over 12 lbs. now!) and smiling and laughing and cooing and melting every heart he comes in contact with.  He is just so precious, and I am so blessed to have this little boy and his family in my life.  Isn’t he handsome?

Special thanks to his Mommy for showing me some amazing tips for processing with PhotoShop.  🙂

#16/52 – Nature

It rained here yesterday, and after it stopped, I found the fattest, most beautiful rain drops on my lily leaves.  Love nature!

#15/52 – Pastimes

This is one of the photos from an engagement shoot I did recently.  Photography has definitely become one of my favorite pastimes.  I am so thankful God has given me this opportunity.

#14/52 Design

I love the design the shadows created on this daffodil.  Hope everyone has a blessed Easter!

#13/52 – Nuisances

They’re pretty to look at, but sometimes geese can be nuisances too.