Capture What Counts Photography

Archive for March 25, 2011

Day 287 – Winter Jam 2011

Tonight Macy and I went to Winter Jam 2011 in Cincinnati.  Well, we went to part of it.  Macy’s not quite the concert goer that I am, so, she couldn’t hang for the whole thing.  I didn’t get to see the Newsboys…and I’m trying to be a big girl about it.

But…I did get to see Jason Castro!  You may remember him from American Idol.  Ain’t no need to lie, I was so not a Jason fan when he was on Idol.  Not even a little bit.  But since he’s released his Christian album, and I’ve been hearing his song “You Are” all the time, he and his voice have really grown on me.  I am really happy with how most of the photos came out considering how far away we were.  Other than a little cropping…photo is SOOC.

Jason Castro

Red was awesome!  So awesome!  Had never seen them before, and honestly, don’t think I had ever heard one of their songs.  So high energy, and much more hard rock than anyone else there, (they even had pyro!) I kinda had Metallica concert flashbacks.  But that is not a bad thing.  🙂  I love hearing new music and getting sucked in by it.  The lead singer was running and jumping around like a rat on acid, so I’m really happy that I got a somewhat good photo of him!

Red (SOOC)

Macy’s favorite was Francesca Battistelli.  I really like her too, so I was happy that Macy enjoyed her as well.  She’s super cute and has a fabulous voice.  This is her and her band members (yes, those are ukulele’s) performing “This is the Stuff.”

Francesca Battistelli (SOOC)