Capture What Counts Photography

Archive for March 19, 2011

Day 281 – Twin Peaks

Rob and I spent the afternoon around Cincinnati taking photographs.  We both got in some practice with the new 60D, which by the way, I am totally in love with!!  I wish we had made the investment sooner…

This photo was taken with my old reliable Sony, but I love the perspective of it.  I shot it literally on the run, trying to keep up with Rob as we went back to the car.  (This beautiful church was not in a very nice part of the Nati…strange how that works out, eh?)  I seem to migrate to church steeples when out on a photo walk, but some are just so amazing, I just can’t help myself.  Several were like that today, but I won’t post them all at once.  🙂

(photo is SOOC)